Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Me & My Big... FEET!

If you haven't seen the proof of how my feet have been becoming increasingly wider, click on over HERE.  And then the story continues below!

As you may know, I took quite some time before converting to clipless pedals for cycling.  Thanks to the generosity of a fellow triathlon club member, I've been wearing a pair of hand-me-down Northwave triathlon shoes since late last season.  Recently, it became apparent - by the right shoe's strap coming detached from the shoe - that they needed to be replaced.

On the hunt for cycling shoes!

I went to the LBS and picked up a comfortable pair of Bontrager RXL Hilos.  They were reasonably priced and seemed to fit well.  Their virgin voyage was IMLP training camp; 112 miles on the first trip!  They worked well until I started the second loop.  Then I noticed the ball of the foot was too narrow and my pinky toe suffered for the entire second loop.  Ouch!!

Return to the LBS.

I hesitantly switched the Bontrager RXL Hilos for the Pearl Izumi Tri Fly IV.  The correct size Tri Flys were not wide enough, but I tried on a single size bigger and thought they might work.  In actuality, the store owner told me "Go home and try them out.  The worst case scenario is that you bring 'em back."  True!  So I did.  I just did a 10-minute trainer ride and they will not work.  They might be wide enough, but they are obviously too long for my size foot and the arch feels weird.

For the rest of my trainer ride, I switched back to the Northwaves and they felt great!  So now that I've exhausted the supply at the LBS, I may go online to search out the Northwave Tribute or Extreme Tritahlon shoes.

The LBS owner did admit that cycling shoes simply do not come in wides, or if they do it's rare.  Maybe that's the next thing that will happen.  Most big running shoe companies now have shoes in various widths or at least wide models.  Next up, cycling shoes!


1.  Do you know of any triathlon cycling shoes that come in wide?, or at least are generally wider than others?

2.  What cycling shoes do you use?  Do you swear by one brand/model?

3.  Does anyone else have issues getting shoes?  
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one.

Dream.  Believe.  Achieve. 


Michael said...

I had the exact same issue with cycle shoes, and ended up in mens because they were a little wider...I'm not sure what options you have. I don't know why they are so narrow.

Lohan said...

I've never heard of cycling shoes coming in wide. I used a pair of OLD Nike Cycling shoes (no longer made as far as I know) that were torn up. Straps detached, holes, everything. But the shoes stayed on my feet, and the cleats clipped in, so they worked well enough. Fortunately I received a pair of hand-me-down SIDIs that work well (much stiffer, but heavier).


I am getting ready to bite the bullet and pay the bucks for custom fit cycling shoes. Probably $300 to $400 but worth it if I can keep from hot spots.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i've recently been having a mare with cycle shoes for another reason, but i have found this in my trolling-travels. Shimano cycle shoes that claim to be wide fitting. Might help...

Anonymous said...


Lake ( has regular and wide width options.

Jeff said...

Hi, did you ever end up trying the Northwave Extreme Triathlon shoes?

I've been using a pair of Northwave Tribal, which is the same as the ones in your top picture, and I'm due for a new pair.

The Extremes are being discounted pretty heavily now and I'm curious if the sizing is the same as the older ones.