I am writing today from my lovely but lonely townhouse on the
Hobart & William Smith Colleges campus in Geneva, NY. That's right. I'm in my home state of New York. Woot! Woot!
Tomorrow is the
Musselman 70.3 triathlon and this morning, after getting breakfast and milling around, I headed out to check out the bike course. I've been told that I'll think it's rather pancake flat after Quassy. Not to ruin the surprise, but they were right; it is!
Beautiful Seneca Lake |
The bike course begins in Seneca Lake Park and winds quickly out onto Waterloo Geneva Rd and then a very quick right onto 96A. The road, as of 7:00am this morning was already lined with cones.
Riding south down 96A |
There are a lot of views like this. Long roads! |
Lots of barns. |
More straight aways. |
A firehouse |
A white bike in memory of Michael Coyle. |
Michael Coyle raced in 2013 and was in a fatal accident during the race. This bike was placed near the accident site in his memory. This is a great reminder to always be careful and to always enjoy where you are, RIGHT NOW!
A railroad bridge at mile 10. |
This will be where I am allowed to look at my GPS watch to see where my heart rate is. Not a moment before!
More barns. |
A cemetary |
Sampsons Veteran Memorial Cemetary |
State Park coming up. |
There it is! |
Bearing LEFT onto W. Blaine Rd. |
Look for the tractor pulling a yellow barrel?? |
Moooooooooooooo!!! |
More open roads. |
Lots of open roads! |
Coming up on the LEFT onto 96/414 North |
Turning left | . |
Onto 96/414 N |
Open roads on 96/414N |
Not pictured is one of the many tourist attractions on the course, the State Penitentiary!
Staying straight on 414N |
More open roads (get used to it) |
Just before your right turn onto Ogden Rd. |
Open roads on Ogden Rd. |
End of Ogden Rd, turn right! |
Is this a winery tour?? |
Yellow arrows mark the course! |
Where is the tasting aid station? |
Cayuga Lake in the distance. |
Beautiful! |
Another winery! |
Very steep turn |
Not AS open of a road. |
Cayuga Lake |
Cayuga Lake |
Beautiful lake front homes. |
Cayuga Lake |
Let's continue the Winery Tour! |
What the.....?!?! |
Next stop Lakeshore Winery! |
Onto Knapp Winery. |
Goose Watch Winery. |
Buttonwood Grove Winery |
Right turn onto Swick Rd. |
Turn at the barrels. |
Follow the farm equipment. |
Farm, farm, farm, farm, farm! |
Left turn at Hollow Creek Groceries onto 129 |
Open road on 129 |
Church on your right. |
Abandoned church on your left. |
And then turn right onto Hayts Corners East Rd / 130 |
Lesser road conditions |
Blue Metal Shop on the right |
Coming up on the left turn to 96/414 South (look familiar?) |
Onto 96/414 S (not for long) |
Turning right onto 138A / Depot Rd. |
More road |
Turn and oh, look.... more road. |
Right onto 96A and straight on! |
Seneca Lake in the distance |
Not pictured is bearing left off of 96A to follow Main St which turns into E. Lake Rd.
Tourist attractions!! |
Quick downhill to Seneca Lake |
And.... A dead end?! With a gravel road?? |
I will be sure to ask at the athlete's meeting what that is all about!
A little detour to find my way back around |
Can I swap my bike for the plane? |
Back onto E. Lake Rd. |
Beautiful road! |
Back up onto 96A, turn LEFT! |
The path back to Transition |
Saw these guys out on the course. Is this our support? |
Entrance back into Transition |
Seneca Lake. Where we begin our run. |
In conclusion, they were right. Other than a steep hill on Swick Rd. and a good number of false flats, this is a rather flat course. I'm excited!!
I'd stick around and chat some more, but I need to go check in at the expo. I'll see you later!
1. Do you preview the course before races?
I love Quassy in the fact that I know that course inside out. I know how far until a turn. I know what is coming up. So I drove the course today just to give myself an idea of where the turns are and some landmarks to judge my position by. The last thing I want tomorrow is to being asking myself "When is this turn coming up?!?!"
2. What type of bike course do you prefer? Open straight aways or lots of turns? Lots or little elevation change? Your own backyard or a mini-vacation?
While I enjoy my own backyard for the training advantage, I prefer lesser elevation change, so I'm excited about tomorrow!