I normally drink at least 3-4 bottles of water throughout the day on a rest day. I've never been someone who has difficulty drinking the recommended amount of liquids; I drink quite often throughout the day (one reason why I've never been an alcohol drinker - I drink things too quickly). However, I decided to take a bit of an inventory after Tuesday's drinking affair to give you guys a bit of an insight into my hydration system.
While this next bit wasn't a complete surprise, I will admit that it was interesting finally get a full view of the situation.
I first had to locate and take inventory of all of my water bottles. The full count is NINE.
Seven of them are "regular" water bottles, one (the grey one) is a smaller bottle, and I have one metal bottle not pictured above (apparently I did not remembere that one when putting this picture together - BAD Blogger!). I also only purchased three of them. The rest I got from races or teams, yay freebies! So yes, I have a lot of water bottles, but the more surprising fact is, I use each and every one of them.
One I carry with me at all times.
One is in my gym bag at all times.
Two are on my bike.
One is in the bathroom (I get thirsty while in the shower!)
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My roommate had a good laugh the first time he saw that one in there. |
Three are on my night stand.
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Half to a full bottle right before bed and another when I wake up (I'll wake up quite easily if I get thirsty) |
And one is in the kitchen.
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That's the green metal one. |
I am never far from a bottle of water. The difficult part is keeping them all full. It's quite often that I find myself thirsty, grab for a bottle and Ugh!, it's empty. But overall, I am very good about keeping my body hydrated. Are you?
PS. Injury update. I did not run the 10th through the 15th and felt good. I tested myself out on Monday the 16th and still felt tension, so I've been off running since. I made an appointment for next week to see an Orthopedic. At this point, I will refuse cortisone shots, but would simply like to hear an idea of how long this will take to heal. Stay tuned!
1. How are you at keeping yourself hydrated?, Do you drink mainly water or other liquids?I'm a big fan of water. Otherwise, it's milk, OJ, or tea.
2. Where do you stash your water bottles?
Stay fit. Stay healthy.
HA!!! Your place looks like mine with all the water bottles
I am a water fan, because I dont want to drink unnessary calories. I do add Cyrstal Light sometimes for some flavor. I have a gallon jug at my desk at work, I drink a gallon everyday will at work to keep me hydrated
BDD, that's AWESOME!
And I don't mind calories myself. I simply prefer water for the taste. Anything with a flavor makes me want more. Water I can drink and feel quenched.
I used to drink anything BUT water.... now almost all I drink IS water. I always have a water bottle with me throughout the day (unless I leave it in the car by accident). I currently own 1 green metal bottle, 1 black metal bottle, and 3 pink plastic bottles of varying shapes and sizes.
I'm always drinking water. I usually drink about 4-6 "norma;" bottles during the day, about 4 at the gym and 1-2 when I get home.
You get thirsty in the shower, ha!
yeah, this post made me thirsty. I just drank half my water bottle while reading it....
I need to drink more! Oh yeah and check out this dudes blog if you get bored:
he had some crazy hydrating techniques going on here!
I need to get some more water bottles. You've got a nice collection, and I love the fact that you use them all regularly. I cracked up with the one in the shower! Keep on hydrating.
You crack me up! Seriously! I'm the worst drinker, it's a huge fault of mine. Just looking at your bottles makes me wanna go pee.
I've really slacked lately on hydration - need to do better! I usually have a group of 4 bottles in the fridge... I have to have my water COLD. The tap water tastes weird here if it's warm.
I too am a slacker when it comes to water.... I hate all the extra bathroom visits LOL! :)
I don't hydrate enough with water, that's for sure. I drink coffee and almond milk, too.
I've got a water bottle at my desk at work and another one on my nightstand at home.
I hope that injury heals soon!
I do great about drinking water at work because I always have a big 32 oz cup on my desk. I usually drink about 3 of those during the work day....but I'm sometimes bad on the weekend because it's not right there. Maybe I should set out my bottles all over the house like you. I have a ton too. At least 5 or 6.
Your comment about drinking a lot/quickly and alcohol was interesting. The one reason I like drinking wine/beer/coffee is because those are the only drinks in which my mind/body can actually slow down and enjoy what I am drinking. I think its because my mind knows I don't need any of those things in large quantities so it naturally slows the process down and enjoys those drinks. At least that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
The other interesting thing is the water at your bedside. Its not guaranteed, but I know if I drink too much (and 'too much' is variable) 2-3 hours before bed sleeping becomes unpleasant.
I am better at hydrating when I am at work than at home. I have tons of water bottles but pretty much only use two. I need to get better at this.
Your comment about the biceps curls made me laugh out loud-I needed that.
Are you joking about the water bottle in the shower? Because I get seriously thirsty when I shower and keep a glass of water next to the shower for that reason!
I love how you have water bottles all around your house! I am so bad at staying hydrated! You would think I would have learned my lesson b/c I get dehydrated really easily, but for some reason I just forget to drink enough water throughout the day. I am getting better though!
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