Monday, January 3, 2011

Back on 2010, Forward to 2011

Welcome to the New Year!  I know it's already January 3rd, but since this is my first blog of 2011, I figured it'd be appropriate.  I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. 

With the new year comes everyone's favorite topics: what did you do in 2010?, what are you going to do in 2011?, and what's your resolution?  Personally, I've never felt I've had a resolution; only goals for that year (call it what you will).  Either way, let me get right to it.

First off, What did I do in 2010?
It's been a roller coaster of a year and as cheesy or ironic as it might sound, I've come out the other side with one of the best mental and physical states of my entire life. I lost someone extremely close to me, faced a large unexpected academic/career decision, and took the first few steps down a new path away from what I've worked on for the last six years.  I wouldn't take a moment of it back.  They're not all fitness related, but here's a list of my 2010 accomplishments.

1.  I discovered some things that make me happy 100% on my own
2.  I took a trip to visit my little sister in TX
3.  I got back into hiking
4.  I bought my first road bike and competed in my first sprint & Oly triathlons; thereby becoming a triathlete
5.  I took a trip to NYC with my dad and sister
6.  I moved back in with the greatest roommate ever!
7.  I took a much needed one week vacation to NC to visit friends and surfed in Hurricane Earl
8.  I became a runner and ran my first half marathon
9.  I returned to NC for Thanksgiving
10.  I took a Masters degree from my Ph.D. program, thereby ending my current academic career
11.  I chose to pursue fitness as a career
12.  I went home for Xmas and got to visit family I haven't seen in years; first time being home in a year as well
13.  I spent New Years with amazing friends in New York City

I may be unemployed, not be sure where I'm going, or what to do with myself, but I simply happy with where I am.

What am I going to do in 2011?
This list will grow, change, and become more detailed throughout the year.  Therefore, I will copy the fitness related goals on this list into my GOALS page and keep it updated there.

1.  Compete in at least one race every month
2.  Run a total of 2011 training miles (That's roughly 170 miles/month)
3.  Run my 2nd Half Marathon
4.  Run my 1st Marathon
5.  Compete in two Ironman 70.3 races (Providence, RI in July and Syracuse, NY in September)
6.  Go kayaking
7.  Break my 5k PR (19:30)
8.  Break my Marlborough Sprint Triathon PR (1:12:00)
9.  Break my Oly Tri PR (2:40:51)
10. Become a personal trainer
11. Attempt switching to a more efficient fat burning metabolism

The easiest part of a resolution or goal is making it.  Everyone wants to be better at something, but saying it and doing it are two different things.  As much as I always try to keep up with all of the goals my friends set in order to help motivate them, I welcome all the scrutiny.  Goals are not primarily meant to be met; they're something to strive for, to continue trying to achieve.  As one of my favorite Ironman videos says, "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it."  So challenge yourself and if you achieve the goal, celebrate and set a new one.

As a start to this years goals, I set out on my first run since I busted my toe back in December.  The toe is still a little sore at times, but felt fine out on the road.  I ran 2.0 miles today, so I've only got 2009 miles more to go.

1 comment:

CupCake@ Bigger Girls Can Run Too said...

I think your goals are great. But as we have seen from the toe experience, life sometimes enjoys throwing us a curve-ball that may set us back a bit. It's good that you keep in mind that goals, while amazing when met, are things that do not necessarily have a time limit and can continued to be worked at until achieved and replaced with another goal. I have all the faith in you and your accomplishing your goals! Best of luck!