Friday, October 4, 2013

A LOOK BACK: September 2013

Total Swum:  7,660 Yards (4.35 Miles)
Total Biked:  126.6 Miles 
Total Run:  140.6 Miles
Total Strength:  3 Workouts
Total Yoga:  0 Sessions

Greatest weekly swim mileage:  4048 Yards (2.3 Miles)
Greatest weekly bike mileage:  70.6 Miles
Greatest weekly run mileage:   39.6 Miles
Greatest weekly no. of strength training sessions:  1 Workouts

Average bed time:  10:34 pm
Average time to get up:  6:11 am
Average amount of sleep:  7:32  (That's 33 minutes shorter than August)
Average RHR:   44.7 bpm  (That's 4.25 bpm lower than August, Awesome!)

Monthly Goal - Go Vegetarian
After probably at least a year of roughly 75-90% vegetarianism without actually attempting to be, I've taken the leap of officially going vegetarian.  As you know, this was finally triggered by my reading of Skinny Bastard.  My hope is to stick to this diet long term, but it's going to take some dipping into the culinary practices again before I feel at home and comfortable with a range of quick meals and food alternatives/snacks.

2013 Racing Resolutions

  1. Race 12 races throughout the year - 17 races completed!  ...and still 4 to go!
  2. Break my 5k PR (currently 19:30 from 2010) - Completed! 17:37 at the Sandy Hook 5k!
  3. Run my 3rd Half Marathon - Completed Colchester Half Marathon
  4. Run my 2nd Marathon (for time) - Completed Hyannis Marathon in 3:18:17
  5. Run back-to-back marathons - Hartford & Newport are in two weeks
  6. Race an ultramarathon
    1. Run a 50k - WMAC Fatass 50k in December
    2. Run a 50 miler - JFK 50 in November
  7. Break my Lake T Sprint PR (58:06) - 57:56 on June 20th
  8. Race an Olympic Tri - Litchfield Hills Oly in July
  9. Race Two Half Irons - Raced Rev3 Quassy & HITS North County in June and HITS Hunter Mountain in September.
  10. Race an Ironman - IM Lake Placid in July
  11. Race a new event (i.e. Spartan Race)
2013 Training Resolutions
  1. Ride a double century (200 miles) - This will have to wait for next year.
  2. Once started, maintain at least one swim, one bike, and one run each week - Yeah... I've slacked on this and even cancelled my pool membership.
  3. Maintain strength training sessions throughout the year - Success!
  4. Make use of group training sessions - I've kept using the Thursday night track workouts.
  5. Do not ignore recovery - Lots of cold baths!!
  6. Maintain data log - Success!
2013 Personal Resolutions
  1. Do 12 things that scare me throughout the year - Still only one down!
    1. #1 - went on my first date in three years (don't expect a blog entry about this one)
    • I am taking any suggestions!!
  2. Obtain a 2nd coaching position - I am currently coaching/training 6 clients, running one studio class / week, and have a fall/winter training program started.
  3. Make time to visit my sister in PA.  This one's looking harder every month.
  4. Compile and keep a list of recipes / meal ideas - The Recipe Book tab is underway!  I'm trying to post a new recipe on Fridays.  I've slacked recently.
  5. Continue eating healthy - I am now vegetarian.
  6. Continue cooking from home - Success!
  7. Continue personal reading - Currently reading Wheat Belly by William Davis 
  8. Put 10% 25% of my income into savings! - Thanks in large part to my auto insurance coming due in September, this was not a good financial month.  I spent 1.7% more than I made this past month, which puts me at 23.6% savings for the year.  I am hoping to rein in October. 

1.  How was your September?

Dream.  Believe.  Achieve. 

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