Saturday, November 13, 2010


As of today, I have three friends who have agreed to go to the gym with me and possibly even sign up for memberships.  Yay!!!!
I had received a couple 2 week passes to Malibu Fitness at my 2nd Oly Tri and planned on using them with my roommate - who I've been pushing to go to the gym for MONTHS.  We are going on Monday.  But today we had a couple friends over for an impromptu party (I'll explain that next) and they've each agreed to join us at the gym.  I'm so pumped!!  It's a good feeling knowing that people have a desire to do some sort of fitness and being able to help them find ways to do that, whether it be simply having a buddy to make it easier to go on a regular basis, finding a place that has classes vs. just weights, or an environment you like.  More to come when we actually get there.

On to my second point.  My roommate and I had planned a party for Monday and the fates saw fit for schedules to get messed up and for the party to be held today.  So for that reason, today's workout was quite short.  I eventually left everyone sitting in the living room and went out running at five o'clock because I didn't want to run in pitch black.  But no worries, they were still sitting there when I got back.  Then I did a quick power set in my room and showered - gotta' get back to my guests (I'm a great host, fyi).

Today's Workout:
1.  1.5 mile run
2.  Push-Ups (20 reps)
3.  Crunch Ups (10 sit-ups and 10 crunches)
4.  Standing Bicep Bar Curls (10 reps with 50 lb).
...Repeat #2-4 for a total of 3 sets

I'm still getting the shin splint in my right leg, so I might take a day to rest it and see if it goes away.  Otherwise, I will have to go through maybe half of the next week (up to 2+ miles/day) and see how it feels with more mileage (and most likely a slightly slower pace).  The reason I point this out is because I am personally being very cautious this time around and trying to avoid any injuries along with being more aware of points of possible injury myself.  On the other hand, my legs felt fine after yesterday's run and today was done without a prior workout to warm up, so it is possible I simply need a sort of warm up before running to help loosen my body a bit. 

Due to the party being shifted, I also got no work done today, so I will have to most likely cut tomorrow's workout short as well in order to get back up to speed (also so I can have something to show my boss on Monday - I kind of have a pattern of being a day or two late on most deadlines so I'd like to break that for once).  We shall see how tomorrow goes.  But either way, Monday I will be off to Malibu Fitness with the roommate to get fit!  Hopefully I can jump into a yoga class or two, sweet Jesus I love fitness!!


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