Tuesday, November 9, 2010

100th Training Mile & New Shoes

100 Training Miles!  
I keep track  of how many miles I've trained since starting this blog and I keep it up to date on the side here so you can follow along with me.  According to my mapmyrun.com account, I crossed my 100th mile today.  I used to think cross-country runners were a little nuts and now I have cross-country friends who think I'm a little too intense.  Funny how the tables can change over time.  And you know what?!  Now I've got a question for you guys.

Q: What's one thing that you've completely changed sides on?  What would a younger you never guess you would ever do, think, or believe?  It could be an activity you never thought you'd do, a job you never thought you'd like, a political, personal, or social issue; anything. 

As a subconscious celebration or christening of this 100th training mile, I ran it in a brand new pair of shoes. I picked up a pair of Asics GT-2150's today at Fleet Feet Sports in West Hartford, CT.  It's nice to finally have a pair of shoes that experienced runners fit me with, but my wallet has other opinions.  haha  But why be pessimistic?!  (Shut it wallet!)  I was going to spend the money eventually - I'm too hooked on the triathlon training to give up now - so now the I spent money is yet another motivation.  Run, or make a waste of your money?  Let's get running!!  Next race on the bill - Gallop for the Gravy 5k in Wilmington, NC on Thanksgiving Day.

Today's Workout:
1.  Warm up: Elliptical; 1 mile forward, 0.2 mile backwards, 0.2 mile forward, 0.1 mile backwards (heart rate up to ~160)
2.  Side Pulley Lats (10 reps with 60/50/50 lb)
3.  Side Pulley Bicep (10 reps with 50 lb)
4.  Push-Ups (20 reps)
5.  Oblique Twists (10 reps per side with 90 lb)
...Repeat #2-5 for a total of three sets

6.  Seated Calf Raises (30 reps with 90 lb)
7.  Squats (10 reps with 90,100,110,120,130,140 lb)
8.  Standing Calf Raises (50 reps with 100 lb)
...Repeat #6-8 for a total of 6 sets

9.  Side Plank Twists (15 reps/side)
10.  Crunch Ups (10 sit-ups & 10 crunches)
11.  Russian Twists (20 reps with 10 lb) 
...Repeat #9-11 for a total of 3 sets

13.  Vertical Leg Lifts (10 straight & 10 bent)
14.  Vert Tricep Dip (10 reps)
15.  Push-Up (20 reps)
...Repeat #13-15 for a total of 3 sets

Tomorrow's my "day off," but I'm pretty sure I'll head out for a run during the day.


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