Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reporting from Las Vegas...

Today I come to you from good ol' Las Vegas, Nevada!

I made it safe with only a few snags.  I had to go through security twice because I forgot to empty my water bottle (oops!), I ate about 20 packs of peanuts and crackers on the plane, I took a shuttle from the airport to the car rental locale only to find out that MY car rental company required a second shuttle to an even further off site location, I showed up at my hotel only to find out I wasn't booked until tomorrow (thank you front desk lady for squeezing me in at my cheaper rate!), and I am currently eating peanut butter out of a jar I bought at the local grocery store using the shopping card of the same lady at the front desk of my hotel with my fingers since I lack a knife.

Oh, and I decided to quickly put my bike back together.  That lasted until I realized I have no idea where my skewers are.  Yay!!  I have to stop at a local bike shop to pick up CO2 cartridges anyways, so that's one more thing to get.

In the end, the important thing is that I made it to Vegas, I met a bunch of Ironman competitors, and I'm ready for tomorrow. 

P.S.  I always heard about the slot machines in the airport, but did you know they have them in the grocery store too?!  This place is crazy!

Stay fit.  Stay healthy.  Stay safe. 


Matthew Smith said...

Glad you made it safely and got the hookup at the hotel. Good luck getting skewers and co2. You're going to do great, come Sunday!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you! Glad you made it mostly in one piece :) And always good to have people help you out - nice to know there are still good people out there!
Can't wait to hear how the rest of the weekend goes!


Runners Fuel said...

Vegas is a fun place! Glad you made it safe!

Coy Martinez said...

Viva Las Kurt! I'm so excited to see pics when you're done and hear the story!